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Thursday, July 3, 2008 :)

& she blabbed at 9:22 PM

new blog. http://silly-hearts.blogspot.com :D

Friday, April 4, 2008 :)

& she blabbed at 11:11 PM

whatever i thought it was, wasn't what i thought it was. what a confusing sentence. just like how i feel right now. confused.

Thursday, April 3, 2008 :)

& she blabbed at 7:14 PM

GAME OVER, BOY. :) you and your lies got back to you in the end. never would you have guessed that i was your girlfriend's best friend, eh? :D who would've guessed that you'll flirt with other girls behind your girlfriend's back. but whatever, it's your problem anyway. and i believe in karma. :)

Friday, March 28, 2008 :)

& she blabbed at 1:27 AM

you never told me how you feel.
i really don't know what you're thinking. =/

and i felt really happy yesterday night :) :) :)

Monday, March 24, 2008 :)

& she blabbed at 5:12 PM

got my 2nd term examination results today. :D kinda happy with it. lol. nothing much happened in school. except for how ashley is talking about him during break and lunch. :x no, i will not tell you who he is. :x

nothing much happened too. something emo happened. but i'm not gonna post about that. anyway, went to mid valley in the morning just to buy books, and then went back. :x how fun is that?

the day before yesterday
went to the dentist's to get my braces tightened. it's pink now! :) and then went to the hospital to visit my grandfather. he looks healthy. :D

two days before yesterday
went to mid valley with jiayin. SALES, BABY, SALES! 40% off for selected Guess handbags. :D but i bought nothing from there. i only brought rm250 out. so, basically it wasn't enough. managed to get a Guess purse though. :) it's metallic baby blue and i lovey it so much. we walked from mid valley to the gardens. and from gardens to mid valley again. and back and forth. why? ask jiayin lah. :x first, we wanted to watch a movie at gardens, so we went there, checked, no movies, walk back to mid valley to check on movies, no suitable movies either, and suddenly forgot the list of movies in gardens, went back to gardens again. thats reason #1. reason #2 is : the Guess purse jy wanted to buy was out of stock in mid valley. they only had the display one left. so went to gardens to check. nothing either. then went to isetan to check, nothing. then went back to mid valley. jy changed her mind : she wanted another purse. which was out of stock, too. only display left. went back to gardens and isetan to check, no stock, went back to mid valley and bought it.
oh, while we were heading to Guess, we saw several cempakans. :D anyway. we practically wasted time crossing the road between mid valley and the gardens. yay us :D jy bought a cool tee for her bf. how sweet of her :) it says "Let's Make Love". it speaks for itself. jy is despo afterall. :x HAH.

3 days before yesterday (thursday)
went to shedsession. at PJ. we were so lost, seriously. anyway, ash, jy and i went to see derrick, arthur, boom, hanrick, julian, and blahblahblah to see them drum. everyone rocked. :) hanrick was being the usual bitch. but whatever. that's hanrick. the only time when you don't see hanrick being a bitch is when he's desperate for help. so we reached there at around 3pm. suddenly got hungry, decided to fetch a taxi. stood outside waiting for 15 minutes and couldn't tahan. so went back in. and guess what. we saw a taxi driving by. =_= after a few rounds of the same routine, we gave up and decided to walk up the road. jy being her normal self does not know how to cross a road and almost got killed by a car. :x while running back into the safer lane, "OH BABA" she said. you might not find it funny, but that's only because you weren't there :x any volunteers wanna teach this cute little girl how to cross a road? contact her. i'll give you her number.
anyway. we saw a taxi, waved frantically and got in :D we headed to mid valley and, with little cash, went to the gardens to eat. at some rich ass japanese restaurant. imagine : broke students in some posh japanese restaurant. anyway, the food was nice. :)
bought McD's for derrick and arthur. both of them ate 2 spicy chicken mcdeluxe -_- powerful. and went back in time to see derrick perform. it was a great night actually. more to talk about, but lazy to type. :D so i'll just end here.

Friday, March 21, 2008 :)

& she blabbed at 2:00 AM

the power of love indeed is amazing.

i witnessed it.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008 :)

& she blabbed at 10:02 PM

you had me surprised. :)
the things you said today, the things you did, did you really mean them?
or was it just for fun?
you had me confused. :(


Melanie/wanmin :D
And i'm turning sixteen this year :D
People wish me 'happybirthday' on every 1108


i want to be the happiest living thing :)
To travel around the world with my loved ones:D
good gradesss 8)


Free shoutbox @ ShoutMix


ashley jyinn farina kim andy josh janice phil chinmeng william ---

Click on the links below for my past post :)
-December 2007 -January 2008 -February 2008 -March 2008 -April 2008 -July 2008